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There Is Money To Be Made By Digitally Marketing Meat

A man prepares meat using an online recipe.

Last updated on April 6th, 2018

Editor’s note: The following is the first of a three-part series. Part 2 of Amstein’s insights into digital marketing in the meat industry will be available here beginning April 17. Part 3 will be available on May 15. 

Danette Amstein (Photo courtesy of FMI)
Danette Amstein (Photo courtesy of FMI)

by Danette Amstein/Principal, Midan Marketing

We all lead very busy lives and with each passing year the pace seems to increase. Right or wrong, I attribute it to the small electronic device most of us have surgically implanted into our hand. Our digital devices consume us, keep us organized and busy. Next time you go to a restaurant, or even sit at your gate in an airport, look around. What do you see?

Do we really have that much going on? Or has the digital device become the pacifier, the excuse to not look up, make eye contact and actually talk to people? We both know the answer—and now it is time for the meat industry to use that pacifier to its advantage. 

Because everyone is constantly scrolling and clicking, looking for ways to solve a problem (“How do I ____?”), educate themselves (“What does _____ mean?”) or simply see what their friends are up to—the meat industry has an infallible way to capture their attention with engaging content that pertains to their interests—while meeting your business goals.

I read in eMarketer that people are filling their time—roughly six hours a day—consuming digital media. As someone who views life through a marketer’s lens, I can’t think of an easier way to target consumers.

The industry must adapt to the new platforms used by consumers and rise above the competition that can be found in the digital space. How can you do that? With quality content.   

Content is the foundation of success in the digital marketing space and the secret to that success is integration. Why go through the effort to ensure your message aligns across platforms and is specifically targeted to your audience? Because of the finish line: repeat sales for your product.  This can’t happen until the consumer finds value in what you are selling. To do that, you must increase brand awareness—accompanied with a compelling brand story.

Selling meat isn’t just about price or taste anymore. Sixty-nine percent of consumers want more information about a company’s social, economic, animal welfare and environmental practices (Power of Meat, 2018). Where do they go to get that information? The internet. Forty-seven percent of consumers use digital resources for guidance or inspiration when looking to purchase meat (Power of Meat, 2018).  

Think about that—nearly half of U.S. consumers are searching online for recipe inspiration or educating themselves about a cut of meat. Why wouldn’t you want to strategically place your content in front of them to influence their purchasing decision?

By taking advantage of the digital space and establishing an online presence, your brand becomes more than just a package of meat—it becomes familiar and relatable. Digital marketing has created opportunities for the meat industry that we no longer can ignore. So, what are you waiting for—let’s get in front of our digitally dependent consumers!

Keep reading:

Power Of Meat, Part 1: Routine Is The Enemy In 2018

Recommended: Midan Marketing’s Top 10 Annual Meat Conference Takeaways

Midan Marketing’s Deep-Dive Breaks Meat Consumers Into Six Segments