Al Fresco Smoked Andouille Chicken Sausage

al fresco All Natural—America’s No. 1 chicken sausage—is introducing its newest addition to its line of natural chicken sausage: Smoked Andouille. This new flavor is made with Cajun seasoning and lean chicken meat and then naturally hardwood smoked for a deep, rich spicy flavor.

“We’re so excited to introduce our first smoked flavor to the al fresco line,” said Sarah Crowley, al fresco senior brand manager. “Our Smoked Andouille chicken sausage adds real zip to traditional Cajun recipes like jambalaya and gumbo and has 70 percent less fat and 30 percent less sodium than pork Andouille. They’re also great right off the grill and available just in time for grilling season.”

al fresco Smoked Andouille Chicken Sausage is now available in supermarkets nationwide ($4.99 for one 12-oz. package).

al fresco first revealed the new Smoked Andouille flavor exclusively to its online community on its Facebook page via a new challenge: to learn the new flavor, the al fresco Fan Page needed to reach 25,000 “likes.” Once the new flavor was announced, al fresco would give away a free package of the Smoked Andouille to the first 50 fans to submit their information via a special promotions tab. At the start of the promotion, al fresco had just more than 19,000 “likes.” The brand exceeded its goal and announced the new flavor March 27, giving away all 50 free packages within five minutes of the new flavor announcement.

al fresco All Natural Chicken Dinner Sausage comes in nine additional fully cooked flavors and six fresh uncooked flavors such as Sweet Apple, Chipotle Chorizo and Sundried Tomato. All al fresco sausages are gluten free, have no artificial ingredients and are 100 percent all natural with no nitrates, nitrites, preservatives or artificial flavors. al fresco can be found in the refrigerated dinner sausage or meat section.

al fresco All Natural is manufactured by Kayem Foods Inc. the largest meat processor in New England, making more than 500 products under eight brand names. Based in Chelsea, Mass., the privately held and operated company has been owned and operated by the same family since 1909. Kayem Foods offers the best of both worlds—”Old World” flavor and “New World” quality and freshness.




Kristen was Editor at The Shelby Report.