hy-vee kidsfit underserved

Hy-Vee Inc. is recognizing November as National Diabetes Awareness Month and says it is proud to continue its focus on health and wellness through diabetes education and lifestyle management programs across its eight-state region.

Hy-Vee’s newest offering is the recently launched “Begin for Diabetes” lifestyle management program. Hy-Vee also offers the “Begin” and “Begin 4 Kids” programs. All three options are led by registered dietitians in Hy-Vee’s 246 stores.

People with diabetes face a specific set of health and nutrition challenges, and the 10-week Begin for Diabetes programs are customized to help attendees address those issues and manage their condition. Participants can schedule individual consultations or participate as part of a group for additional support.

During the sessions attendees learn: how to make smart choices when dining out; how to count carbs and plan healthy meals; techniques to cope with the stress that can come with a diabetes diagnosis; how to prevent complications and recognize signs of hypo- and hyperglycemia; and to control portion size and keep food logs based on their dietary needs.

“During National Diabetes Awareness Month, we want to remind the public that help is available,” said Kristin Williams, SVP and chief health officer at Hy-Vee. “Our registered dietitians are here to help educate and support program participants on their journey to making their lives healthier and happier.”

Hy-Vee says its Begin program provides building blocks for weight management through detailed journals and recommendations for healthier eating, including biometric screenings. More than 20,000 individuals have completed the 10-week lifestyle management program. The four-week Begin 4 Kids program emphasizes food groups, activity and eating for good health, along with the Hy-Vee KidsFit program and website that encourages children to get excited about moving and exercise.

In addition to the Begin programs, Hy-Vee also has launched a Diabetes Prevention Program to help customers identify their risks. The CDC estimates that one in three adult Americans, or 86 million people, have pre-diabetes and one in four of those do not know they have it. The Hy-Vee Diabetes Prevention Program uses a CDC curriculum that focuses on weight loss and physical activity, and offers group sessions with a certified lifestyle coach.

Hy-Vee also is beginning to offer the Hy-Vee Diabetes Education Program, a certified diabetes program accredited by the American Association of Diabetes Educators, that includes 10 hours of education and goal tracking.

Customers can contact their local Hy-Vee pharmacist or dietician about availability of the new programs aimed at addressing diabetes.

“Whether the goal is to prevent or manage a diabetes diagnosis, lead a healthier lifestyle or ensure children learn about healthy eating habits and exercise, Hy-Vee is committed to optimizing each customer’s well-being at every life stage,” Williams added.

Hy-Vee is an employee-owned corporation operating retail stores across eight Midwestern states with 85,000 employees and sales of $10 billion annually.

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Alissa was Staff Writer at The Shelby Report.