Festival Foods plans to purchase two Pierce’s Marketplace stores in Baraboo and Portage, Wisconsin, from Angie and Dave Pierce. The Pierce family operates a third Pierce’s Market in Muscoda.
Festival Foods, which operates 26 other locations across the state, expects to begin operations June 20 under the Festival Foods banner.
Mark Skogen, president and CEO of Festival Foods, says the company is eager to welcome Baraboo and Portage Pierce’s associates to the Festival family.
“We are pleased that we were able to reach an agreement with the Pierce family that will result in a continuation of family-owned grocery stores in the area now and far into the future,” he said. “We are honored to join these historic and still thriving Wisconsin communities.”
Skogen adds that the Portage/Baraboo area represents a key opportunity to better serve the company’s growing customer base.
William and Anna Pierce, great-grandparents of brother-sister business partners Dave and Angie, opened the first Pierce’s store in 1924 on Walnut Street in Baraboo. Angie Pierce, president of Pierce’s, says she knows the Baraboo and Portage stores will be in good hands with Festival Foods, another family-owned business that mirrors her family’s commitment to community involvement.
“This will be a good transition from one family to another,” said Pierce, adding that she remembers standing on returnable bottle cases as her father taught her to operate a cash register. She says her family treasures the community’s support of the business over the past 93 years.
“I’d also like to thank all employees, past and present,” she said. “They have been more than our teammates—they are part of our family. Over the years, they helped make Pierce’s Supermarkets an important part of these two communities. We are confident that Festival Foods will carry on the tradition of providing quality products and excellent service that began with my great-grandparents.”