Attorneys Brad Gerstman and David Schwartz have announced the formation of NYAGS, the New York Association of Grocery Stores.
“We have formed NYAGS, New York Association of Grocery Stores, in order to stop the assault against grocery stores as well as the foodservice industry all over New York by the mayor and other government officials,” a news release says. “NYAGS will play a substantial role in being the lead advocacy group in redefining how the city treats our retail establishments throughout New York City. NYAGS will promote unity and financial stability to small business throughout the city.”
“The city continues in its quest of becoming a nanny state in regulating every aspect of the lives of the citizens of New York City and in the process, crushing small business,” said Schwartz.
“NYAGS will vigorously protect business throughout New York from over reaching and unnecessary regulatory measures. NYAGS will help unite the fight against the recently announced Big Soda Ban by the NYC Board of Health,” added Gerstman.
New York City business leader, philanthropist and owner of Gristedes supermarkets, John Catsimatidis, has pledged his support for NYAGS.
“We need NYAGS at this moment in time in our history because brick and mortar convenience stores, grocery stores and supermarkets are being destroyed because of anti-business government policies that have strangled the retail industry,” said Catsimatidis, who has always been an outspoken supporter of small business and the American dream. In a recent WFAN interview he discusses the American dream and how small businesses today struggle to remain afloat.
NYAGS has the support of the Bodega Association, the Latino Restaurant Association and the Korean American Small Business Center, the group that represents the city’s 2,500 green grocers. All of these groups understand that the super-sizing ban is only the opening salvo, one that will lead to further restrictions on the rights of business and all New Yorkers if left unchallenged, the news release says.
“The ban is not only counterproductive to the promotion of health, but it fails to consider other health initiatives from this administration such as the menu labeling requirements. The impact of these regulations on the health of the city’s food stores and restaurants has been extremely detrimental,” said Ramon Murphy of the Bodega Association.
NYAGS is led by a team of experienced government relations and media consultants who have been in the trenches for many years fighting on behalf of the city’s small businesses, according to the news release.
Gerstman and Schwartz are former prosecutors, private lawyers and advocates for businesses throughout the city and state of New York. NYAGS will educate the public as to the importance of brick and mortar grocery and convenience stores.