The Walmart Foundation has awarded a number of grants to nonprofits across Arizona. A portion of the monies were awarded to the Valley of the Sun YMCA, with a $50,000 grant to support its i-Learn Drop-Out Recovery Program, which has helped more than 800 high school dropouts attain school credits and receive their high school diplomas or GED, reports the Phoenix Business Journal.
The Associate Choice Program, in which Walmart employees vote where to award dollars, awarded grants in the amount of $100,000 to Community Food Connections and $10,000 each to Chicanos Por La Causa, Florence Crittenton, Foundation for Blind Children and the Sojourner Center.
Other WalMart Foundation recipients include:
• Special Olympics: $44,000
• Community Food Bank: $43,000
• UMOM New Day Centers: $35,000
• Against Abuse: $35,000
• Coalition for Compassion & Justice: $35,000
• Northern Arizona Food Bank: $35,000
• Casa de los Niños: $30,000
• Valley of the Sun United Way: $28,000
• Sojourner Center: $25,000