Carol & Avram Goldberg
Robert Tobin
William Grise
Carl Schlicker
Architects of Stop & Shop Supermarket Company

The first Super Stop & Shop store began in 1982 and included many themes such as the buildup of perishables and fresh foods, the integration and importance of non-foods, shopper excitement, and improved technology. The architects of this concept are Avram and Carol Goldberg, Robert (Bob) Tobin, the late William (Bill) Grize, and Carl Schlicker.

Under Mr. Goldberg’s leadership, Stop & Shop changed from the traditional supermarket design to super stores. Ms. Goldberg became executive vice president and chief operating officer and her work with consumer research boards led to the new design of the stores.

In 1993 as company leader, Bob Tobin continued the growth and scope of the chain. He greatly enlarged the company’s New England footprint and established an initial foothold in the New York market.

In 1996, Bill Grize became president and subsequently chief executive officer of Stop & Shop. Under his leadership, the company acquired the Edwards chain and created Peapod, the online home shopping and delivery service. He elevated the super store concept to a new level with departments offering party goods, toys, office supplies and home accessories. Sadly, Mr. Grize passed away in early, 2010.

In 2008, Royal Ahold promoted Carl Schlicker to chief executive officer of Stop & Shop and sister companies, the Giant-Landover and Giant-Carlisle group of stores. Under his direction, the company initiated a Value Improvement Program which rolled out price reductions and won back shoppers from competitors.