Mike Bourgoine,
President and CEO
Associated Grocers of New England
Associated Grocers of New England has achieved significant growth competing against some larger distributors over the years. Now in its 65th year, its successes are due in part to a professional executive leadership team spearheaded by Mike Bourgoine, president and chief executive officer.

Mr. Bourgoine took over the leadership at AG New England when Norm Turcotte retired in 2004. He brought over 36 years of food industry experience to his position as president and chief operating officer.

He joined the Wetterau Co. in 1974 and advanced quickly through positions of increasing responsibility in purchasing, merchandising, and operations. In 1985, he was appointed president of the Cressey Dockham division, Wetterau’s largest New England operation at the time. After several years, he moved into the front lines of food retailing as a partner in the FARM FARE supermarket group, which evolved into a highly successful business venture operating 12 supermarket locations in New Hampshire and Vermont.

With Mr. Bourgoine at the helm, AG New England has enjoyed considerable growth with years of record-breaking sales, increased patronage refunds to member/retailers of the cooperative, and an overall growth in the number of independent retailers served. Sales for the year that ended March of 2011 totaled an all-time high of $382 million.

Mr. Bourgoine said, “Much has changed in the grocery industry over the years, but AG New England’s success and reason for being is still very much about competing among the giants. Independent retailers have succeeded over the years by their ability to know their customers and their community, and by changing with the times.. The co-op model appeals to independents, whether they own one store or several, because it gives them a voice in their future and a more direct connection to their supply source,” said Mr. Bourgoine.