by Lorrie Griffith/editor-in-chief IGA USA revealed its new cause marketing partner at its 2017 Global Rally, Feb. 10-12 in Las Vegas. The new partner is Partnership for...
Store News
by Alissa Marchat/staff writer The grocery industry is a tough one to succeed in, particularly when your store is located thousands of miles away from your wholesaler...
Supervalu says that its Supervalu Foundation will donate $1 million to 34 nonprofits that provide hunger and food-related relief to those in need in local communities...
Food Lion has named five store managers as divisional award winners, making them eligible for its Ralph W. Ketner Store Manager of the Year Award to be presented later...
The 2017 Buy Alabama’s Best Retail Campaign Launch Awards Luncheon recently was held at The Club in Birmingham. The group is made up of the Alabama Grocers Association...
Mackenthun’s Fine Foods in Waconia was honored by the Minnesota House of Representatives Feb. 6. Rep. Jim Nash presented the Mackenthun family with a House Resolution to...
Whole Foods Market said during its earnings call Wednesday that it will close nine stores in the second quarter. According to John Mackey, co-founder and CEO, the...
The Minnesota Grocers Association (MGA) has revealed the Silver Plate Award winners of its 2016 Bag Hunger Campaign contest. The contest is part of a state-wide campaign...