
Wooster, Ohio-based Buehler’s Fresh Foods has raised $56, 498 through its fundraising campaign for the American Heart Association. This is the fourth year in a row the company has participated.

From Sept. 18-Oct. 15, Buehler’s participated in the AHA’s fundraising campaign, “Life Is Why,” inviting consumers to donate $1, $5 or $10.

“The generosity of our customers and the hard work of our employees is what made this campaign year a success,” said Mike Davidson, CEO of Buehler’s and co-chair of the 2022 Wayne Heart Walk.

“We would like to thank our customers for contributing to this life-saving cause. By working together, we can make a difference in the lives of the people we know who are impacted by heart disease and stroke.”

Buehler’s donation supports the walk campaign, which has raised more than $203,000, thanks to Davidson. Money raised allow the American Heart Association to continue to fund research that can improve the health outcomes of heart and stroke patients, train more than 2.5 million high school students in CPR annually and support the work of local entrepreneurs and organizations working to improve health outcomes in under-resourced communities.

More than 1,700 Wayne County residents died of heart disease between 2014-19. More than 30 percent of county residents have been diagnosed with high cholesterol, another 19 percent have high blood pressure, 36 percent are obese and 22 percent use tobacco – all health risk factors for heart disease. 

“These numbers are staggering,” said Jenn Fortney, senior development director of the Northeast Ohio chapter of the AHA.

“But the community, through the American Heart Association, is fighting back. This year, the AHA will provide nutrition education to elementary Wooster City School students, continue to provide blood pressure monitors and best practices for community loaner programs, and equip the Wayne YMCA and local schools with CPR training materials and curriculum for student training to meet state requirements. All of this is possible because of donations like those through the Life is Why campaign.”

Buehler’s Fresh Foods was founded in 1929 by E.L. Buehler and his wife, Helen. In 2017, Buehler’s went through a management buyout and formed an ESOP. Buehler’s operates 14 supermarkets, eight liquor agencies, outside catering, coffee shops and a food truck named Ferris. 

Web Editor Sommer joined The Shelby Report in January 2022 after graduating from Brenau University in Gainesville, GA with a B.A. and M.A. in Communications and Media Studies. Sommer is excited to learn...