C-Store News In Brief…

Rob Corona, noted member of NECSEMA (New England Convenience Store & Energy Marketers Association) and senior category manager for Xtramart-Global Partners has left Global Partners for a new career…

Registration has begun for the 2016 NACS Show in Atlanta, Oct. 18-21 at the Georgia World Congress Center. The first 2,000 retailers to register will receive a NACS Best Saver rate on one full registration—a savings of more than 60 percent for NACS retail members…

Honey Farms of Worcester, Massachusetts, has major events coming up in September. Sept. 8 is its golf tournament at Cyprian Keyes in West Boylston, Massachusetts, and its Service Award Banquet is Sept. 9 at the Hilton DoubleTree in Leominster, Massachusetts.

The Shelby Report delivers complete grocery news and supermarket insights nationwide through the distribution of five monthly regional print and digital editions. Serving the retail food trade since 1967,...