Adams Hometown Market, Better Valu, Tri Town Foods and Guida’s Dairy are urging shoppers to make donations at checkouts in support of The Great American Milk Drive. The drive kicked off Sept. 18 and continues through November. Shoppers can use tear-pad slips to make a donation of $1, $3 or $5, with the funds raised distributed in the form of milk vouchers to clients of the Connecticut Food Bank.
The drive is part of a national effort aimed at providing highly desired and nutrient-rich gallons of milk to hungry families who need it most. The local effort also involves the New England Dairy Promotion Board’s Must Be the Milk program and the dairy farm families of Connecticut.
It is estimated that, in Connecticut, one in seven households struggles to put food on the table. There are more than 520,000 people in the state at risk of hunger every year, and 75 percent of the Connecticut households that receive emergency food assistance in Connecticut live below the poverty line.
In a separate effort, Stop & Shop, Giant Food and Weis Markets are holding drives for The Great American Milk Drive.