Convenience Store News In Brief…
Coca-Cola Enterprises (CCE), one of the world’s largest independent Coca-Cola bottlers, has released its 10th annual Corporate Responsibility and Sustainability Report, which includes its most ambitious commitments to date. The new targets include: reducing calories per liter across CCE’s entire portfolio by 10 percent by 2020; halving the carbon footprint of its business by 2020; and ensuring that 40 percent of the PET it uses is recycled and/or from renewable materials by 2020…
According to a recent survey conducted by the National Association of Convenience Stores, a majority of consumers expect gas prices to continue to rise during June, a period in which gas prices tend to moderate or even fall after the completion of the annual spring transition to summer-blend fuel. Nearly three in five consumers expect gas prices to go up over the next 30 days, vs. just 9 percent who expect them to fall. On average, consumers report that gas prices rose 16 cents last month to reach $2.75 per gallon. Despite these rising gas prices, consumer optimism about the overall economy is growing. A slight majority (52 percent) of consumers say they feel “very” or “somewhat optimistic” about the economy, up four percentage points from the 48 percent who said so in May…
Vapor Hub International Inc. announced that revenues for May topped $630,000, the top month in the company’s history. Vapor Hub International Inc. is a California-based company engaged in the development, production and sales of electronic cigarette products, e-liquids, custom mechanical mod e-cigarettes as well as unique personal modifications.