NFRA Rumachik

The National Frozen & Refrigerated Foods Association (NFRA) awarded 21 Gold Penguins and three Amber Penguins in recognition of the best promotions for the 30th annual March Frozen Food Month. In addition, 35 companies were recognized with Silver Penguin awards. The Golden Penguin Award symbolizes excellence in merchandising and promotion in the frozen food industry.

The special Amber penguin commemorates three consecutive Gold awards in the same category. The Gold and Amber awards will be presented at the Grand Awards Banquet during NFRA’s Convention in San Diego, Calif., on Oct. 22. Silver awards are typically presented at the local level at appropriate frozen food association meetings.

Judging was performed by marketing professionals from accredited colleges and universities. Judges looked for the best creative effort during a full 30-day program. Winning entries demonstrated the effective use of promotional elements, such as in-store programs, advertising, consumer education, creative use of merchandising materials and special displays.

Joined by 18 participating brands, NFRA increased awareness for March Frozen Food Month by distributing a three-page FSI, including coupons and package shots, to more than 36 million consumers across the country on March 3. NFRA partnered with DreamWorks Animation and the theater release of “The Croods.” The tie-in encouraged consumers to “Discover A Whole New World of Frozen” and enter the DreamWorks Family Adventure Sweepstakes hosted on NFRA’s consumer website. Fans of NFRA’s Easy Home Meals Facebook page could participate in the Freezer Giveaway courtesy of Hussmann. A Hussmann 6.73-c.f. glass-top freezer was awarded each week during March.

The promotion was enhanced by many PR initiatives. A behind-the-scenes video, posted online, told the story of the frozen food journey from the field to the family table. A “Cool Food” panel of bloggers acted as frozen food ambassadors, illustrating the message that frozen food is Real Food—Frozen. The Cool Food panelists were Estela of Weekly Bite, registered dietitian; Alison of Ingredients Inc., a nationally known cookbook author and recipe developer; and Angie of Eclectic Recipes, a recipe developer and blogger. Each blogger linked to NFRA and Easy Home Meals from their own websites and developed recipes and tips in support of March Frozen Food Month.

Golden Penguins also will be awarded for the best marketing plans during June Dairy Month and the June/July Ice Cream & Novelties display contest.

Gold winners

• Co-Op Wholesaler: Wakefern Corp., Keasbey, N.J.

• Corporate Wholesaler: Bozzuto’s Inc., Cheshire, Conn.

• Local Frozen Food Association, more than 50 members: Frozen Food Council of Northern California, Hollister, Calif.

• Manufacturer—Branded: Ateeco Inc./Mrs. T’s Pierogies, Shenandoah, Pa.

• Military Commissary Overall Store Promotion: Yokota Commissary, APO AP—assisted by Acosta Sales & Marketing (Military Division), APO AP. (will receive an Amber Penguin as well)

• Military Commissary Best Department Display: Yokota Commissary, APO AP—assisted by Acosta Sales & Marketing (Military Division), APO AP.

• Military Commissary Best Endcap Display: Fort Bragg North Commissary, Fort Bragg, N.C.—assisted by Acosta Sales & Marketing, Jacksonville, N.C.; and Sheppard AFB Commissary, Sheppard AFB, Texas.

• Military Sales Agent: Acosta Military, Norfolk, Va. (will receive an Amber Penguin as well)

• Retail Corporate Chain or Division, 10-50 stores: Harmons Grocery, West Valley, Utah.

• Retail Corporate Chain or Division, more than 50 stores: Weis Markets, Sunbury, Pa.—assisted by Crane Communications Inc., Bala Cynwyd, Pa.

• Retail Sales Agent: Douglas Sales Associates Inc., Piscataway, N.J.

• Retail Supermarket Overall Store Promotion: Chris’ Food Center, Sandstone, Minn.—assisted by Dean Foods, Esko, Minn.

• Retail Supermarket Best Department Display: Kings Supermarket No. 49, Bedminster, N.J.—assisted by Douglas Sales Associates Inc., Piscataway, N.J.; and Wharton ShopRite, Wharton, N.J.—assisted by Douglas Sales Associates Inc., Piscataway, N.J.

• Retail Supermarket Best Endcap Display: Top Supermarket No. 520, Dansville, N.Y.—assisted by Nestle USA-Pizza Division, Derby, N.Y.

Silver winners

• Co-Op Wholesaler: Associated Wholesalers Inc., Robesonia, Pa.

• Corporate Wholesaler: Supervalu, Pleasant Prairie, Wis.

• Local Frozen Food Association, more than 50 members: Frozen & Refrigerated Foods of Central Florida, Temple Terrace, Fla.; and North Florida Frozen & Refrigerated Food Association, Fleming Island, Fla.

• Military Commissary Overall Store Promotion: Camp Foster Commissary, APO AP, Calif.—assisted by Ruiz Foods, Dinuba, Calif.

• Military Commissary Best Department Display: Fort Bragg North Commissary, Fort Bragg, N.C.—assisted by Acosta Sales & Marketing; Ft. Leonard Wood Commissary, Fort Leonard Wood, Mo.—assisted by Acosta Sales & Marketing (Military Division), Norfolk, Va.; and McClellan AFB, McClellan AFB, Calif.

• Military Commissary Best Endcap Display: Eglin Commissary, Eglin AFB, Fla.—assisted by Acosta, Fort Walton Beach, Fla.; and Ft. Sam Houston Commissary, San Antonio, Texas—assisted by Advantage Marketing, San Antonio, Texas.

• Military Sales Agent: Dunham & Smith Agencies, Prince George, Va.

• Retail Corporate Chain or Division, fewer than 10 stores: Dan’s Supreme Key Food, Hempstead, N.Y.

• Retail Corporate Chain or Division, 10-50 stores: Albertsons LLC South West, Tolleson, Ariz.; Food Maxx Supermarkets, Turlock, Calif.; Kings Food Markets, Parsippany, N.J.; and Mars Supermarkets, Baltimore, Md.

• Retail Corporate Chain or Division, more than 50 stores: A&P, Montvale, N.J.; Ahold USA, Carlisle, Pa.; Key Foods, Staten Island, N.Y.; Roundys Supermarkets Inc., Milwaukee, Wis.; Safeway Inc., Pleasanton, Calif.; and Save Mart Supermarkets, Modesto, Calif.

• Retail Sales Agent: Acosta Sales & Marketing-Safeway Team, Pleasanton, Calif.

• Retail Supermarket Best Department Display: Save Mart No. 94, Lathrop, Calif.

• Shoprite of Manahawkin, Manahawkin, N.J.—assisted by Douglas Sales Associates Inc., Piscataway, N.J.

• Retail Supermarket Best Endcap Display: Albertsons No. 981, Chandler, Ariz.—assisted by Co-Sales Co., Phoenix, Ariz.

• Bashas’ No. 110, Mesa, Ariz.—assisted by The Pictsweet Co., Bells, Tenn.


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Kristen was Editor at The Shelby Report.