Hiland Dairy logo milk flavors

Coleman Dairy Foods will begin marketing its fresh, local, high-quality milk and dairy products under the Hiland Dairy Foods label, beginning this month. The move will solidify the synergy between two of the country’s finest family-owned and -operated dairy farms, under one fresh name, according to a news release.

Hiland Dairy Coleman“This will be a great match of farmer-owned dairies,” says Gary Aggus, president/GM of Hiland Dairy. “Blending the Hiland and Coleman Dairy brands is a natural progression that ensures we’ll continue to deliver the same fresh, high-quality milk and tasty dairy foods that consumers have enjoyed for generations.”

Coleman Dairy has been a division of Hiland Dairy since 2006. Combined, the companies have served for 220 years as the Midwest’s finest local dairies—producing pure, fresh-from-the-farm wholesome milk and dairy products.

Retail demand to have one label and one UPC across multiple states/markets came into consideration with the decision to consolidate brands. The result will be savings for the retailer and the consumer, the release says.

Hiland Dairy is an 11-plant operation with locations in Arkansas, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska and Oklahoma. As a full-service dairy, Hiland’s quality products include milk, ice cream, yogurt, cottage cheese, sour cream and dips, half and half, whipping cream, orange juice, butter and cheese. The company serves customers in several states, including Arkansas, Colorado, Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska, Oklahoma and Texas.

“The only thing changing is the label on the outside of the milk and dairy product containers and the familiar milk splash image will remain the same,” says Aggus. “Under the Hiland brand, Coleman is still the same, local, farmer-owned dairy that has delivered wholesome products to its customers for one-and-a-half centuries and will continue to produce milk right here in Little Rock.”

And, according to the release, under the Hiland Dairy Foods label, Coleman products will continue to be naturally nutritious and always free of antibiotics and artificial growth hormones.


Kristen was Editor at The Shelby Report.