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Consumers who wish to supplement their diets with additional omega-3s now can turn to something besides fish and supplements. NBO3 Technologies’ 10 years of research and development means consumers soon will be able to get the benefits of omega-3 fatty acids from the company’s new GreatO Premium Beef, Premium Chicken, Premium Pork (and bacon), as well as Premium Dairy (milk, butter and cream) products. In the next few weeks, the company will introduce its GreatO Premium Meats, initially with its first-to-market GreatO Premium Ground Beef product in selected grocers, followed by region-by-region roll out in 2013.

GreatO is the first and only USDA-labeled ground beef product naturally abundant in omega-3 fatty acids. .

“We are so confident in our proven process. GreatO is the only product on the shelf that prominently displays the omega-3 fatty acid levels on our USDA-approved label,” says Todd Hansen, CEO of NBO3 Technologies LLC. “For over a decade we have been working on revolutionizing how to not only make products that are healthier for consumers, but in turn make the animals healthier. And yes, we are offering beef with naturally abundant omega-3 fatty acids by feeding animals an omega-3 rich diet. We are truly making every bite count for the animals and for humans, alike.”


Kristen was Editor at The Shelby Report.