News America Marketing (NAM), the premier publisher of coupons in the U.S. and Canada, producing more than 165 billion coupons annually, has announced that Circle K convenience stores, one of the largest convenience store chains in North America with 3,050 U.S. locations, will be joining its expansive in-store marketing network—effective immediately. The agreement marks an expansion into a new class of trade for NAM, which has so far focused on grocery, drug, office supply and mass merchandising stores.

NAM, a division of News Corp., operates the online consumer coupon site and publishes the Sunday coupon insert SmartSource Magazine, which is delivered to more than 74 million homes each week. It also launched the free iPad couponing app, SmartSource Xpress, last March.

The new partnership extends the value of NAM’s in-store media network to all 3,050 company-operated Circle K stores, as well as a significant number of franchise and affiliate locations. The agreement says that NAM will provide the majority of its in-store portfolio, including coupon machines, shelftalks, shelfvision video and tear pads.

“We appreciate Circle K’s confidence in our partnership and performance in the convenience store class of trade,” said Chris Mixson, president of NAM. “We believe our programs will add significant value to their business and their customers.”

“Circle K is a world-class organization and the largest corporately-owned convenience store chain in America,” added Marty Garofalo, EVP of trade for NAM. “We are proud to have them as a partner and part of our growing network. After significant testing, we are confident that our programs will help Circle K generate additional sales and incremental profit. We look forward to working with them and continuing to tailor our services to their needs while offering our CPG clients an opportunity to extend their activity to include this leading chain.”

Effective immediately, NAM’s in-store portfolio will be available in more than 3,000 Circle K convenience stores.


Kristen was Editor at The Shelby Report.