Gelson’s has introduced a new Winemaker Series in partnership with Heidi Barrett. Known as the “First Lady of Wine,” Barrett played a role in the 1992 creation of...
Gelson’s, a premium supermarket chain, has been a hallmark of quality since its inception in 1951 in California. Founded by Bernard and Eugene Gelson, the chain has established itself as a destination for high-quality products and exceptional service.
With a focus on offering upscale and specialty items, the company operates multiple locations across Southern California. As of 2023, the chain continues to cater to discerning customers seeking gourmet foods, fresh produce, fine wines, and an array of specialty goods.
What distinguishes Gelson’s is its commitment to providing a unique shopping experience, emphasizing high-quality products, personalized service, and an ambiance that appeals to those seeking specialty and artisanal items. Their dedication to curating a diverse selection of goods, along with an unwavering focus on quality and service, has solidified Gelson’s reputation as a premier destination for customers seeking upscale grocery offerings in Southern California.
Gelson’s has selected Clear Demand’s AI application to gain new insights and improve automation as consumers become more price-sensitive and adjust their shopping habits...
Reimagining “the Gelson’s experience” for its 28th full-service store, the grocer has officially opened its first location in West Los Angeles. Located at 12121 West...
The inaugural release in Gelson’s new Wine Club offers members the opportunity to capture life in Southern California through six specially-chosen wines. For customers...
Bob Veilleux has joined Gelson’s as the senior director of produce and floral. Veilleux comes to Gelson’s from his previous position with Gerrity’s Supermarkets and...
Gelson’s has finalized a partnership with Rove, a developer and operator of full-service electric vehicle charging centers, to provide food and beverage services. Rove...
San Francisco-based Instacart has introduced new capabilities for its enterprise e-commerce solutions that make it easier for retailers to customize their storefronts...
Dollar sales of private label wine in all U.S. outlets jumped 9.1 percent to $52.2 million for the 52 weeks ending June 18, versus the same period in 2022, according to...