H-E-B is accepting entries through April 23 for its 12th annual “Quest for Texas Best,” a competition to find the top products made in the state.
Participants will compete for a combined $100,000 in cash prizes and the opportunity to land their products on H-E-B shelves across the state.
Over the past decade, H-E-B has discovered more than 1,000 Texas-made products. The contest has reviewed more than 7,000 samples and awarded about $2.75 million in prize money, complemented by marketing, mentoring and supplemental support.
In addition, H-E-B has awarded 55 “Quest for Texas Best” suppliers with an H-E-B Million Dollar Club belt buckle for achieving $1 million in sales.
“We look forward to connecting with Texas-based innovators each and every year and providing exciting opportunities through this competition,” said James Harris, senior director of diversity and inclusion and supplier diversity.
“I can’t wait to see what products are brought to the table this year. After 12 years of the H-E-B Quest for Texas Best and nearly 7,000 entries, the creativity and ingenuity of Texans still inspires me.”
To prepare for the competition, participants will have the opportunity to visit with H-E-B sourcing leaders about formation sessions March 27, April 2, April 10 and April 16. Registration is required.
To reserve an informational meeting space, review competition details and learn more about the two-minute video requirement, visit heb.com/quest.
H-E-B’s business development managers will select the top applicants, who will then present their products before a panel of judges selected by H-E-B this September in San Antonio.
The judges will determine the top four products and award $50,000 to the Grand Prize winner, the title of “Texas Best” and placement on store shelves; $25,000 to the first-place winner; $15,000 to second place; and $10,000 for third.
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