Natural Grocers will close its store at 7220 E Broadway Blvd. in Tucson, Arizona, on Dec. 11.
The company began storewide closing sales Dec. 3, with discounts of 25 percent off items in the dairy, frozen, grocery and produce departments and 10 percent off everything else, including supplements, body care and beauty.
The store is one of 12 Natural Grocers locations in Arizona and one of four in the Tucson area. The company regularly evaluates the performance and sustainability of its stores.
“With the pending expiration of the lease for this location, we made the strategic decision to close the Broadway and Kolb store to enhance operating efficiencies and store performance across the Tucson market,” said Kemper Isely, Natural Grocers co-president.
“This decision was reached after careful consideration of the store’s operational challenges impacting performance, saturation in the Tucson area and capital improvements required for this location in the near future. Based on our market analysis, we believe this decision will help us serve the Tucson community more effectively and efficiently in the future.
“We are grateful for the loyalty and support of our customers in this area over the years. While this move supports the long-term strength of our business, our priority remains on working with our good4u crew members during this transition and continuing to serve the Tucson community through our other local stores.”
The company is working with each of its employees who will be affected by this closure to identify potential transfer opportunities or a transition package, including severance and health benefits.
After the location closes, customers can shop at Natural Grocers’ nearby locations at River Road, Broadway and Country Club or Oracle and Orange Grove.
[RELATED: Natural Grocers Begins Annual Holiday Food Bank Fundraiser]