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U.S. Meat Industry Releases Data Report On GHG Emissions

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A new report released in advance of the United Nations Climate Summit on Nov. 6-18 in Sharm el Sheikh, Egypt, reveals that about 81 percent of facilities’ reporting data are covered by Meat Institute members’ commitments to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

With 100 percent of the Meat Institute’s large U.S. members (more than 2,000 employees) submitting data, the report covers an estimated 90 percent of meat sold in the U.S. (by volume) and sets the first baseline for measuring progress toward targets for environmental sustainability, animal care, food safety, worker safety and food security.

“Ninety-eight percent of American households purchase meat, putting our sector undoubtedly at the center of solutions for healthy diets, healthy communities and a healthy planet for generations to come,” said Julie Anna Potts, president and CEO, North American Meat Institute.

“The Meat Institute’s first continuous improvement report is a game changer for transparency in the sector – setting transparent baselines that will allow us to measure progress and verify our sector’s contributions to global goals.”

Further key findings include:

  • Supporting NAMI’s commitment to measure and fill the “protein gap” for needy families by 2025, 78 percent of reporting companies donate money or products to food banks and charities, including more than $9 million announced this year to combat hunger by building or expanding food banks’ capacity to safely receive, store, package and distribute fresh meat.
  • Eighty-two percent of reporting facilities are covered by a company commitment to minimize packaging waste, and 71 percent are covered by a company commitment to reduce food waste.
  • Ninety-six percent of reporting facilities that conduct meat processing require suppliers to maintain a written animal welfare program based on NAMI Animal Handling Guidelines.
  • Ninety-eight percent of reporting facilities have a multidisciplinary team that periodically reviews food safety programs and takes improvement actions.

The Meat Institute is the oldest and largest trade association representing packers and processors of beef, pork, lamb, veal, turkey and processed products. NAMI members include more than 350 meat packing and processing companies, the majority of which have fewer than 100 employees, and account for more than 95 percent of the U.S.’ output of meat and 70 percent of turkey production.

To read the full report and for more information about the Meat Institute’s improvement framework and targets, click here.

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