
Residents of Lubbock, Texas joined United Supermarkets, One Voice Home, Voice of Hope and Open Door to participate in its community sand spread as part of the Texas Blue Sand Project, an initiative to raise awareness about human trafficking in the state of Texas.

January is Human Trafficking Awareness Month.

On Jan. 13, The United Family helped launch this initiative with the Lubbock organizations by providing free blue sandbags at all of its Lubbock United Express locations. Guests were invited to take a blue sandbag and join the community in spreading the sand in sidewalk cracks throughout the city on Jan. 26.

One Voice Home, Voice of Hope and Open Door are organizations in the Lubbock community that work to provide help for survivors of sex trafficking and sexual assault from across the region. While human trafficking can seem like a far-off problem, it happens everywhere.

“Since 2011 there have been over 300 reported cases of sex trafficking in Lubbock, but the majority of cases never get reported,” said Kelsey Johnson, with One Voice Home.

“The Texas Blue Sand Project is a great way to better educate ourselves and spread awareness. We are so grateful to live in a community like Lubbock that comes together to Join Voices to tell survivors we see them, we love them, and we will not let them fall through the cracks.”

blue sand Texas

“Human trafficking is a horrible reality that happens every day around the world as well as right here in our backyard,” said Nancy Sharp, with The United Family. “The sand is just a small example of something we can do to help. We are proud to join with these organizations to do our part in raising awareness.”

For more information, visit

Web Editor Sommer joined The Shelby Report in January 2022 after graduating from Brenau University in Gainesville, GA with a B.A. and M.A. in Communications and Media Studies. Sommer is excited to learn...