Home » Hiland Dairy Expands Service Area In Texas And Louisiana
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Hiland Dairy Expands Service Area In Texas And Louisiana

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Last updated on June 13th, 2024

Residents in the Paris, Texas, and Shreveport, Louisiana ares will now be able to find locally made Hiland Dairy products on grocers’ shelves. The company recently took over operations at two distribution centers, retaining the employees and continuing service to the area retailers.

Hiland’s expansion in the Texas market began 10 years ago when Hiland added a distribution center in Dallas. With the acquisition of the Tyler, Texas production facilities in 2017, Hiland serves most major markets in Texas.

“This acquisition aligns with Hiland Dairy’s expansion plan that began several years ago when the company started supplying dairy products to both Texas and Louisiana,” said Gary Aggus, CEO of Hiland Dairy. “By having distribution facilities in the market, it helps expand our product offerings to area retailers and also reduces our carbon footprint by reducing our truck routes and miles driven.”

Hiland Dairy, based in Springfield, Missouri, is a farmer-owned dairy foods company. Its products include ice cream, milk, butter, cheese and eggnog. Hiland Dairy has expanded beyond dairy and has a wide variety of other beverages, such as Red Diamond Tea, lemonade and fresh juices.

As a farmer-owned company, Hiland employs more than 2,500 people throughout Arkansas, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska, Oklahoma and Texas. Hiland’s farmer-owners are just miles from the Hiland processing plants, where milk goes from the farm to the shelves within 48 hours.

Learn more at hilanddairy.com.