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To help girls that do not have access to period products, Always has teamed up with Stop & Shop to donate 250,000 pads to Stop & Shop School Food Pantry partners in Boston, Fall River and Springfield, Massachusetts, as well as several schools throughout Newark and Orange, New Jersey.

A recent study conducted by Always revealed that since the COVID-19 pandemicone in three young people feel less confident because they’ve missed after school activities, and one out of three parents are worried about their ongoing ability to afford period products – an issue known as period poverty.

“We’re so grateful for partners like Always who are addressing such a critical need among girls in our local communities,” said Jennifer Brogan, director of community relations for Stop & Shop. “This donation will positively impact young women and help give them the comfort and confidence they deserve and ensure they don’t miss out on their education and extra-curricular activities.”

Launched in 2019, the Stop & Shop School Food Pantry Program aims to provide schools ranging from elementary to college level with access to healthy foods and other essentials to help students perform their best. The 250,000 pads will be distributed to the following Stop & Shop School Food Pantry partners:

  • Fall River Public Schools, Fall River, Massachusetts
  • Bunker Hill Community College, Boston, Massachusetts
  • Springfield Technical Community College, Springfield, Massachusetts

The pads also will be donated to schools and colleges in Newark and Orange, New Jersey. These schools benefit from a yearly grant Stop & Shop provides to the Community Food Bank of New Jersey in support of their school food pantry programs.

When girls do not have access to period products not only do they not feel protected, but it also puts their confidence, dignity and education at risk. They are less likely to be able to participate in their education and other activities, and if they are, they are likely to feel distracted and unable to focus on reaching their full potential.

Always believes that every girl should have access to period protection. That is why since August 2018, the Always #EndPeriodPoverty program has donated more than 32 million period products to girls in the United States with help from Feeding America, participating retailers, local organizations and people around the country. To learn more, visit

Senior Content Creator After 32 years in the newspaper industry, she is enjoying her new career exploring the world of groceries at The Shelby Report.