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Kansas City, Kansas-based Associated Wholesale Grocers has two new multiple-store members in its Oklahoma City and Gulf Coast divisions.

At the beginning of 2021, AWG will be gaining the Roberts stores in Mississippi, according to Tye Anthony, SVP of merchandising. The Roberts Co. currently operates 18 stores in south central Mississippi with its home office located in Hattiesburg, Mississippi. Store banners include Corner Market, Grocery Depot and Sunflower.

Ten stores are Corner Markets, five stores are Sunflower and three are Grocery Depot. The Grocery Depots are cost plus formats and the remaining are conventional. The remaining Sunflowers will be converted to Corner Markets and Grocery Depots in 2021. Roberts also will be opening an 11th Corner Market in February of 2021. These stores will be transferring over from their current supplier and will be serviced from AWG’s Gulf Coast Division.

AWG also will pick up the El Rio group in Dallas, Texas, on Nov. 9, which will be serviced from its Oklahoma City division, according to Anthony. El Rio has eight metro stores in the Dallas/Ft. Worth metroplex area. These stores are transitioning from their current supplier.

Anthony said AWG is happy to have both these new membership groups and also has the high priority of servicing current members to the fullest.

Senior Content Creator After 32 years in the newspaper industry, she is enjoying her new career exploring the world of groceries at The Shelby Report.