Kraft noods

In the midst of navigating through the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, families and friends are looking for ways to offer love and comfort from a safe distance. Starting Oct. 6, National Noodle Day, Kraft is giving away its iconic blue boxes of Mac & Cheese so you can send the comfort of noods to your friends and family.Kraft nood

Now through Oct. 11, you can send tasteful noods by visiting, or by responding to @kraftmacncheese on Twitter. To send noods, applicants can complete the order form to send a free box of Kraft Mac & Cheese to someone they love, or a coupon to redeem for one free box at the local grocery, while supplies last.

“We’re all seeking the comforts of home and traditions that bring us together, like sharing a box of Kraft Mac & Cheese,” said Martina Davis, brand manager for Kraft Mac & Cheese. “We want to give fans the opportunity to send and share the cheesiest noods with their friends and family.”

The #SendNoods activation is supported by a digital spot starring actor Vanessa Bayer encouraging us to “send noods” – definitely not “nudes,” as well as out of home in Chicago and digital ads on social networks and dating sites.

Share your Kraft Mac & Cheese noods using #SendNoods on Twitter @kraftmacncheese, Instagram @Kraft_MacandCheese and Facebook @KraftMacaroniandCheese.

Winners will be the first 7,000 people to respond to @kraftmacncheese Tweet with both hashtags #SendNoods and #Giveaway or at

Senior Content Creator After 32 years in the newspaper industry, she is enjoying her new career exploring the world of groceries at The Shelby Report.