Redwood Connect RedwoodConnect 2.0

RedwoodConnect 2.0, Redwood Logistics’ flagship supply chain integration platform-as-a-service (iPaaS), demonstrates its business value with Taylor Farms, the world’s top producer of fresh-cut produce. The produce giant, which provides fruits and vegetables to many of the largest supermarket chains and restaurants in the U.S., including Wal-Mart, McDonald’s, Subway, Pizza Hut, Safeway and Kroger, has successfully revolutionized its supply chain’s efficiency levels utilizing RedwoodConnect 2.0.

Now available, RedwoodConnect 2.0 provides a platform for customers to design, deploy, monitor, support and report on all the data moving across disparate modules within its supply chain operations. The platform’s cloud-based integrations allow customers to determine and move data received through its existing TMS, ERP, WMS, carrier and partner integrations.

Prior to RedwoodConnect, Taylor Farms grappled with the constant pressures placed on fresh produce shippers to reduce transportation costs and manual processes and mitigate complications associated specifically with food shipping (i.e. regulations, failing equipment, timeliness demands).

“RedwoodConnect has given us unprecedented efficiency in managing the inbound transportation activities for all of our U.S. processing facilities,” said Ron Guzman, president of Taylor Logistics Co. “RedwoodConnect is a ‘right-now’ decision making solution. A lot of our competition is just getting ready to make a decision by week three. Now, we’re in a position to meet clients’ needs today, which enables us to get our products ‘from field to fork’ quicker than anyone else.”

Redwood Logistics implemented a strategy that would both address TLC’s inefficiencies and be executed with minimal effort and time from Taylor’s already overburdened IT resources. Redwood replaced TLC’s manual transportation management processes with a best-in-class TMS by leveraging RedwoodConnect as its supply chain integration platform. In addition to connecting Taylor’s existing ERP to the TMS via RedwoodConnect, Redwood also integrated temperature and geo-tracking services, a dock-scheduling application, SMS services for driver summoning, yard management software and a host of trading partners. The resulting solution is driving standardization of processes across all Taylor regions with little training and minimal change management required.

RedwoodConnect allows customers like Taylor Farms to send and receive logistics data in any file format the way it exists from each partner and supply chain module. RedwoodConnect automatically configures the data, creating actionable decision-making opportunities for the logistics team and freeing up the IT department to focus on other competing priorities.

“For over a decade, Redwood has delivered the most innovative and cost-effective solutions for our customers to integrate their entire supply chain tech stack,” said Eric Rempel, chief innovation officer at Redwood Logistics. “By decoupling transportation engineering from IT, RedwoodConnect enables logistics experts to eliminate bottlenecks, see every transaction and piece of data as-it-happens and make adjustments as needed.”

Redwood Logistics, a logistics platform company headquartered in Chicago, has been providing solutions for moving and managing freight for more than 18 years.

Senior Content Creator After 32 years in the newspaper industry, she is enjoying her new career exploring the world of groceries at The Shelby Report.