10Box Cost Plus logo FoodWise

10Box Cost Plus Food Stores has acquired FoodWise Cost Plus Supermarket located at 8801 Geyer Springs Road in Little Rock, Arkansas.

“We would like to thank all of our customers for their past business and we know that our great friends at 10Box are looking forward to being your choice for all of your grocery shopping needs,” said former FoodWise owner Wayne Cranford. “10Box will continue to employ those currently working at FoodWise in Little Rock. We know that everyone will be very pleased with all that 10Box has to offer when they open on Feb. 26.”

Max Van Hoose, EVP for 10Box, said 10Box Cost Plus Store is a new way to save on groceries and more. 10Box sells items at cost then adds 10 percent at the checkout. The store will feature a wide selection of fresh beef, pork and poultry, a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables and a large variety of frozen, dairy and packaged groceries.

The Little Rock 10Box will be the 10th 10Box store. Locations operate in Arkansas, Missouri and Oklahoma.

10Box is a format of Harps Food Stores in Springdale, Arkansas.

Senior Content Creator After 32 years in the newspaper industry, she is enjoying her new career exploring the world of groceries at The Shelby Report.