PFMA, Marc Maiolino, Wawa
Marc Maiolino

The Pennsylvania Food Merchants Association (PFMA) has appointed Marc Maiolino to its board of directors.

Maiolino serves as the director of store operations for Wawa Inc., a PFMA member, where he has worked for the past 33 years and is responsible for the operational oversight of 95 Wawa stores that serve parts of Pennsylvania and Delaware. He will fill the seat occupied by Wawa Loss Prevention Manager Lou Mola, who announced his retirement at PFMA’s Annual Meeting in May.

“We are very pleased to add Marc to our board of directors and thank Lou for his years of service as a board member and officer,” PFMA President and CEO Alex Baloga said. “Marc has extensive experience in store operations, project management, leadership developments, talent management and workforce analytics. We look forward to the value we expect he will bring to our board.”

A graduate of Immaculata University with a dual degree in business organizational dynamics and human resources, Maiolino has presented and participated in conferences at both the national and local levels as well as at educational institutions. He is involved in the community serving as a board member for Sensory Playhouse, a nonprofit specializing in educational and social learning for children with disabilities. 

The PFMA is a statewide trade association based in Camp Hill, Pennsylvania, that advocates the views of nearly 800 convenience stores, supermarkets, independent grocers, wholesalers and consumer product vendors. PFMA members operate more than 3,500 stores and employ more than 200,000 Pennsylvanians. The mission of the PFMA is to improve the public image, effectiveness and profitability of companies providing products and services in agriculture production, consumer education, consumer packaged goods, food retailing and wholesale food distribution.

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