by Claire Lentsch/guest columnist
Social media is revolutionizing the way consumers shop. We are experience driven. Whether it be dairy, deli or bakery, these consumers want something to share.
Everyone has their cellphone on them at all times. This means all products need to be Instagram and Snapchat ready. There are endless video subscriptions on Snapchat in which people from both national and international platforms upload videos, many times involving a product, in hopes of being featured. These videos share an experience.
There are topics revolving around adventure, art, oddly satisfying ASMR (autonomous sensory meridian response), slime, thrills, creativity and—at the top of the list—food. People love a good slow-motion video of a lava cake being opened so they can watch the filling ooze out. Or listening to the “satisfying crunch” of someone recording an ASMR eating video. These videos might seem a little odd; however, it is all focused around sharing the experience.
Innovation is rewarded. When it comes to products, there are more options today than ever before. It is important to ensure your product is different. Why should I choose product A over product B? The smallest sign of innovation can make a night-and-day difference. Young consumers want to be the first to discover a new product line and share their experience with others. If there is an innovative product, they will spread the word quickly.
There are countless advertisements constantly bombarding consumers and they tend to block them out. Instead of drowning the consumer in endless advertisements, provide opportunities for them to interact with the product. This will leave a long-lasting impression that will spark conversation and gain attention.
Times are changing and old-fashioned advertisements are falling out of favor. It is time to refocus and make an impression with young trendsetters. YouTube often is overlooked by the grocery industry, though a large number of consumers subscribe to stay in the loop about the hottest trends. The way to attract the attention of these young minds is through providing innovation.
In order to connect and reach out to this younger generation, companies need to understand where their consumers gather their information. Unfortunately, companies are beginning to struggle with connecting to Generation Z because it is hard to market from the outside in. Now is the time to find ways to interact with the consumer, creating an experience they are eager to share.
Quality products and innovation-focused companies gain the support of consumers, who spread the word quickly without extra outside advertisement. Generation Z loves to share experiences, so create an experience worth sharing.
Claire Lentsch was invited by The Shelby Report to share her perspective as a consumer and a member of Generation Z (born since the mid-1990s).