7-Eleven Cold Pressed Juice

Irving, Texas-based 7-Eleven is offering new varieties of its 7-Select GO!Smart organic cold-pressed juice in 100 percent single juice varieties. The new 7-Select GO!Smart 100 percent fruit juices are unusual varieties that aren’t typically found in every grocery and convenience store.

The three new varieties are:

  • Pomegranate–Each bottle is made using 2.5 pomegranates, a powerful source of antioxidants. Unlike most pomegranate juices in the market place, 7-Eleven’s will be cold-pressed, organic and only sourced from pink pomegranates. 
  • Melon–This honeydew melon variety is a good source of Vitamins A, B and C. 
  • Blackberry–Each bottle contains the juice of 165 Dewberry blackberries, a good source of Vitamin C and a powerful antioxidant.

“Today’s juice customers continue to look for more premium options,” said Dion Miliaresis, senior product development manager for private brand beverages. “Each of the three new juices will be sourced from a single organic fruit–pomegranate, blackberry or melon. Pomegranate juice, specifically, has seen significant growth as a premium juice in the U.S. because of its high levels of antioxidants and other nutrients. Both blackberry and melon juices are great tasting and found at very few other retailers. They’re a great addition for our customers and their growing need for healthier options.” 

The current 7-Select GO!Smart line of organic cold-pressed juices are fruit and vegetable blends. Within two months of launching, sales of three of the four varieties are in the top 10 of juices sold in 20-ounce or smaller juice category. 

As American consumers continue to look for healthier options, 7-Eleven’s better-for-you food and beverage selection also continue to expand, both in packaged private brand and fresh foods. In addition to the organic, cold-pressed juices, items include 7-Select GO!Smart fruit and nut blends and sprouted chips, 7-Select frozen Greek yogurt bars and string cheese, boiled eggs, protein packs, fresh-cut fruit and salads. 

The new single fruit juice varieties are sold in 11.2-oz. glass bottles and contain one serving per bottle. Suggested retail price is $2.99, but for a limited time, customers can get two for $5.

Senior Content Creator After 32 years in the newspaper industry, she is enjoying her new career exploring the world of groceries at The Shelby Report.