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The Uncle Ben’s brand is teaming up with local retailers across the country to donate more than $24,000 to schools as part of its annual Ben’s Beginners program. As part of the program, retailers select local schools to receive a donation to encourage healthy eating in their communities.

Donations from Albertsons, Hannaford, Raleys and Stater Bros. will contribute to cafeteria upgrades and overall improvements at the following schools:

  • Brooksfield School in McLean, Virginia
  • Dr. Lewis S. Libby Elementary School in Milford, Maine
  • Eagle Heights Elementary School in Clinton, Iowa
  • John Wetten Elementary School in Gladstone, Oregon
  • Madison Elementary School in Riverside, California
  • Maple Elementary School in Fullerton, California
  • Ridley Middle School in Ridley Park, Pennsylvania
  • Rita Cannan Elementary School in Reno, Nevada

“This year, we saw more retailer participation in the Ben’s Beginners program than ever before, making it possible for us to nearly double our 2017 donation,” said Ashley Findlay, senior brand manager, Uncle Ben’s. “We’re grateful for retailer partners that share our dedication to promoting healthier eating at schools and in communities across the country.”

Principal Tricia Clark of Dr. Lewis S. Libby School in Milford, Maine, spoke of her school’s donation. “Schools play an integral role in shaping children’s eating habits and we are so grateful that this donation will allow us to foster a culture of health for our students. We’re excited to purchase new cafeteria tables with support from this Uncle Ben’s program.”

Some of the benefits that kids who cook experience include eating more nutritious foods, performing better in school and making long-lasting memories. Throughout its seven years, the Ben’s Beginners program has motivated thousands of families to cook together and has donated more than $1,000,000 to families and schools across the country. For information on Uncle Ben’s and Ben’s Beginners, family-friendly recipe ideas and cooking tips, visit beginners.unclebens.com.

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Senior Content Creator After 32 years in the newspaper industry, she is enjoying her new career exploring the world of groceries at The Shelby Report.