Tyson Velocity prepared foods media


“It may seem brash, but we really want retailers to think about what they’re selling, and whether shoppers are buying it,” said Eric LeBlanc, director of marketing for retail foodservice at Tyson Foods Inc. “For far too long, retail foodservice has focused on individual products, value propositions and the convenience of prepared foods, but in doing so, may have lost sight of the real benefits.”

Tyson Foods has conducted numerous studies to answer that question from the shopper’s perspective and found the number one driver of purchase intent is “I feel proud to serve” the product.1 Researchers also have looked in-depth at who is shopping retail foodservice and what they want from the department. They asked prepared foods shoppers about product quality, service and general issues.

Shoppers responded that they are not interested in compromise for the sake of convenience, and there is a need to change the conversation itself.1,2,3,4

Tyson Velocity Prepared Foods Challenge quotes“During our Prepared Foods Challenge, we found shoppers don’t want to do the same old deli the same old way,” LeBlanc revealed.2 “They want dinner to be an important time to gather together with their families, to reconnect and share the comfort of a good meal. If we begin to look at prepared foods through this lens, it may change the food we offer and the way we talk about it.”

Tyson Foods has done more than label the broken deli. It’s leading the way in fixing it by giving retailers the tools to serve what prepared foods shoppers really need: a satisfying meal experience. The company is showing retailers how to grow their businesses at the speed they need by helping them change the conversation with shoppers to give them the dinner experience they crave. The plan includes educating prepared foods shoppers on using products from around the store to make enticing meals that deliver on quality and freshness. It delivers inspirational menu ideas to remove the barriers of time and anxiety during meal prep and provides insights to ensure execution of freshly prepared products that shoppers deserve as part of convenient meal solutions they’ll be proud to serve to their families.

“We have an important role in bringing families back to the table again,” LeBlanc advised. “Let’s be intentional in how we talk about meal occasions, especially family dinnertime, and start recognizing the higher benefits of prepared foods that families truly value and need. It’s time to break up with the broken deli and change the conversation together.”



  1. Tyson Foods, Consequences of Failure, 2015, 2016
  2. Prepared Foods Challenge, June 2016
  3. Tyson Foods, On the Go Study, 2014
  4. Tyson Foods, Emotional Trigger Study, 2016

Editor’s note: This post is sponsored content provided by Tyson Foods Inc.

Alissa was Staff Writer at The Shelby Report.