The National Association of Convenience Stores (NACS) is urging its members to offer their opinions in hopes that they could have an impact on a possible redraft of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) menu-labeling rule. The association is holding a webinar later this week to give its members practical help on how to do that (details below).
Before the rule was set to take effect in May, FDA delayed the rule for another year, largely in response to a petition filed by NACS and the National Grocers Association. At the same time, FDA also announced its intention to review the rule, stating: “We are extending the compliance date to May 7, 2018. We are taking this action to enable us to consider how we might further reduce the regulatory burden or increase flexibility while continuing to achieve our regulatory objectives, in keeping with the administration’s policies.”
FDA also reopened the public comment period for 60 days, which gives the food industry until July 3 to offer suggestions on how the agency can bring clarity to its rule.
NACS said it will be filing comments on behalf of the association, but it is also important that convenience retailers file their own comments with the FDA. NACS also encourages retailers to personalize their comments as much as possible. Oftentimes, agencies that receive identical letters will combine them into one, even if they originate from different sources.
NACS is hosting a webinar on Thursday, June 8, at 2 p.m. (EST) to assist retailers with the comment filing process. During the webinar, NACS and its legal counsel will walk through the background of why filing comments is necessary and the step-by-step process for retailers to participate.