John Buckles
John Buckles

Ventura Foods has promoted John D. Buckles to the newly created role of COO, effective June 1. He will lead an integrated commercial and operations function for the global manufacturer of custom and branded food products, including dressings, sauces, mayonnaises and margarines.

“Given the significant growth we’ve already experienced and pace at which we plan for it to continue, it’s never been more important to our organization to have focus, alignment and collaboration at every level,” said Chris Furman, president and CEO of Brea, California-based Ventura Foods. “As chief operating officer, John will further accelerate our ability to grow, strengthen and diversify.”

Formerly the EVP of sales and marketing at the company, Buckles joined Ventura Foods in 2011. Prior to his promotion, he led all sales, marketing, R&D and culinary activities in the U.S., as well as the company’s international division. Before joining Ventura Foods, Buckles held management, sales and marketing leadership roles at PepsiCo, Kellogg’s and Coca-Cola.

“John is uniquely qualified for this new and key role. He is a seasoned and trusted leader whose passion for our business will reinforce our commitments to strategic prioritization and innovation,” said Furman. “He is also a respected advisor and mentor dedicated to developing the talented individuals in our organization.”

Buckles has a bachelor’s degree in business administration with majors in management information systems and marketing from Central Michigan University.

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