Stop & Shop New England’s 2016 charitable donations, facilitated by in-store campaigns and initiatives, totaled $23 million in combined cash and product donations, including contributions from customers, vendors and associates.
“Stop & Shop would like to thank our generous customers, associates and vendor partners for joining us in making a difference in communities throughout New England,” said Mark McGowan, president of Stop & Shop. “We value the opportunity to be able to give back year after year and help our neighbors in need.”
In 2016, Stop & Shop donated more than $14 million in cash and product to regional food bank partners and local hunger relief organizations through various programs. Significant among these food donation programs is “Meat the Needs,” in which the company freezes meat that otherwise would go unsold and donates it to regional food banks. In 2016, more than 3 million pounds of meat was distributed to Stop & Shop partner food banks.
In addition, Stop & Shop customers, associates and vendors came together to raise $3.4 million for pediatric cancer research and care at the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute. Stop & Shop has raised more than $65 million over the course of its 26-year partnership with Dana-Farber.
Stop & Shop says it also is committed to promoting education through its A+ School Rewards program. More than 1,900 public and private schools received $1.6 million during the 2015-16 school year to fund scholarship programs, technology equipment and other educational needs.
Stop & Shop raised more than $400,000 for the USO of New England, which supports members of the military and their families. Since the campaign’s inception four years ago, Stop & Shop has raised more than $1 million for the men and women of the Armed Forces.
To support nonprofit organizations in New England, Stop & Shop contributed $3.2 million to hundreds of organizations across the region, including chapters of the Boys & Girls Club, United Way, YMCA branches and summer camp programs.