Karen Wiernik
Karen Wiernik

Hormel Foods has promoted Karen Wiernik, senior director of innovation and business development for its CytoSport division, to SVP of marketing for CytoSport.

CytoSport is Hormel’s family of sports nutrition products; its brands include Muscle Milk, Cytomax and Monster Milk. The division is based in Walnut Creek, California.Hormel foods logo wiernik

“Congratulations to Karen on her advancement,” said CytoSport CEO Greg Longstreet. “She has made a significant impact on the CytoSport business since joining the team, and I am confident her experiences will serve her well in this new role. We look forward to her continued leadership and expertise as we continue to grow our brands and our business.”

Wiernik began her career with Hormel Foods in 2004 as a brand manager in meat products marketing at the corporate office in Austin, Minnesota. In 2013, she advanced to senior marketing manager for Specialty Foods. Wiernik was promoted to director of brand marketing for CytoSport in 2014 and assumed her current role as senior director of innovation and business development in 2016.

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