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Supervalu says that its Supervalu Foundation will donate $1 million to 34 nonprofits that provide hunger and food-related relief to those in need in local communities across the country.

The $1 million in donations will benefit local communities in 17 states and the District of Columbia. Recipient organizations include local food bank affiliates of Feeding America, local members of Meals on Wheels America, local urban garden programs and meal programs at local emergency shelters, among others.

“Too many people in the United States today experience food insecurity,” said Supervalu President and CEO Mark Gross. “Today’s donations provide needed funding to help feed our communities, which is part of our company’s mission, and is an important contribution to the efforts to address hunger relief.”

The Supervalu Foundation was established in 1993 to effect positive change in communities where Supervalu operates and serves. Hunger relief and nutrition programming are key focuses of the foundation. In addition to the $1 million in cash donations from the foundation, Supervalu says it continues its giving to local and regional nonprofits, including Feeding America affiliates, in the form of food to create meals for families across the country.

According to the USDA, nearly 13 percent of American households were estimated to be food insecure in 2015, meaning they lacked access to enough food for an active, healthy life for all household members. An estimated one in six American children are food insecure, and seniors represent the fastest growing food-insecure population.

Go here for the list of donation recipients.

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