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Dallas, Texas-based Sunoco LP has retained NRC Realty & Capital Advisors to assist it with strategic alternatives for more than 100 real estate assets that include company-owned locations, undeveloped greenfield sites and other excess real estate.

Properties are located in Florida, Louisiana, Massachusetts, Michigan, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Texas and Virginia.

The properties will be sold through a sealed-bid sale in a “buy one, some or all” format with bids due on March 7 for the operating sites and on April 4 for the surplus properties. Sunoco will review all bids before divesting any assets.

Information about the sale and a list of available sites can be obtained by visiting the NRC website or by calling 800-747-3342, ext. 1702. Due diligence information on each property also will be available through the NRC website approximately 30 days prior to each sealed bid deadline.

Sunoco LP operates approximately 1,345 retail fuel sites and convenience stores, including the APlus, Stripes, Aloha Island Mart and Tigermarket brands, and distributes motor fuel to convenience stores, independent dealers, commercial customers and distributors located in more than 30 states at approximately 6,900 sites.

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