Convenience Store News In Brief…

On Oct. 4, the Sheetz store at 359 East King Street in Shippensburg, Pennsylvania, became the first convenience store in the state to sell wine following the passing of the Wine Privatization Act in June. The bill, which has changed how liquor is sold in Pennsylvania, will reportedly improve convenience for customers and potentially provide the state with up to $150 million in new revenue…

The Pennsylvania Food Merchants Association, a statewide trade association advocating for the retail food industry, has named members Jeff Brown, founder, president and CEO of Brown’s Super Stores, and Scott Hartman, president and CEO of Rutter’s Farm Stores, as 2016 “Defenders of the Food Industry.” These advocacy awards are presented to members who provide exceptional leadership and serve as champions for the association’s grassroots efforts. Brown and Hartman regularly communicated with lawmakers on issues such as adult beverage sales, menu and GMO labeling, sugar-sweetened beverage taxes, tobacco taxes and other issues…

The New Jersey Legislature soon will vote on raising the state gas tax by 23 cents per gallon—with the new revenue financing road and rail construction and a $126 billion transportation program. In a compromise measure, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie said he would support the gas tax if lawmakers cut the state sales tax from 7 to 6.625 percent by 2018; eliminate the estate tax; lower taxes on retirement income; increase the Earned Income Tax credit; and offer a tax deduction for veterans.

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