Convenience Store News In Brief…

Safeway and Sunoco LP have teamed up to expand Safeway’s Gas Rewards program to Sunoco stations in parts of Delaware, Maryland, Virginia and Washington, D.C. Safeway Eastern Division President Dan Valenzuela said, “We’re excited to team up with Sunoco, a powerhouse in the fuel industry that has stations throughout the East Coast, to bring Sunoco customers, as well as our own valued customers, additional savings when they fuel up at Sunoco stations.” There are 120 Safeway stores in Delaware, Maryland, Virginia and Washington, D.C., offering the program to shoppers, and approximately 200 Sunoco stations currently participating in the program…

Entry-level workers have seen a bump in their paychecks recently, as the supply for these lower-paying positions has shrunk. Analysis by economists Lisa Berlin and Emanuella Enenajo, both with Bank of America Merrill Lynch, published by the National Association of Convenience Stores discovered that industries ranking in the bottom 20 percent by wages have experienced incomes soaring quicker than other sectors that pay more. “In our view, wage growth outside of low pay sectors is likely to gradually increase as the overall labor market tightens,” Berlin and Enenajo said in a press release. The pair did note a caveat: “However, the trend will be slow, and will likely remain below that of low-pay sectors, as the labor force of workers with higher educational attainment (who would presumably be competing for higher-paid work) has been expanding, pointing to a tempering force on wages.”

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