Jay Campbell, executive chairman of Associated Grocers Baton Rouge, provided The Shelby Report with an update on the flooding in the area as of Sunday, Aug. 21.
“Flood waters have been receding in most areas, and yet flooding persists in the most southerly portions of the state of Louisiana. The estimated number of personal residences that flooded is staggering, not to mention the thousands of businesses, schools, churches, public buildings and other structures. Even the Greater Baton Rouge Food Bank and the Salvation Army facilities were flooded.
“Flood waters did not discriminate in their destruction. Sadly, most of the residences, businesses, churches, etc., that flooded were not required to carry flood insurance since the structures were not located in a designated ‘flood zone.’ These people will not have the luxury of being able to make a claim against a flood insurance policy, since they were not required or recommended to carry such coverage. This means that the loss sustained will have to be borne by the people, organization or company, directly.
“Currently, thousands are now located in temporary shelters until such time as some other more stable housing alternatives can be provided. Residential streets are now being lined with debris removed from flooded residences, including wood, sheetrock, furniture, appliances, clothes and other personal belongings, and damaged building materials. Businesses are having to also dispose of products, racking and shelving, and other equipment used in the business. Cleanup is the first start, and recovery can only truly occur with ‘resources.’
“Financial assistance (resources) will be needed to help so many who have lost so much,” Campbell said.
Donations can be made directly to the following organizations, which can help those in need most efficiently:
• Baton Rouge Area Foundation: braf.org; 225-387-6126.
• American Red Cross–Baton Rouge/Louisiana Chapter: redcross.org/local/louisiana/local-chapter/Louisiana-Capital-Area-West; 225-291-4533.
• Greater Baton Rouge Food Bank: brfoodbank.org; 225-359-9940
• Society of St. Vincent DePaul: svdpbr.com; Baton Rouge 225-925-5255
• Catholic Charities–Diocese of Baton Rouge: diobr.org; 225-924-3900.
“And please keep the people of South Louisiana in your thoughts and prayers,” Campbell added.