
The Refrigerated Foods Association (RFA) has reported a collective annual donation of $478,573 for food banks throughout North America, through in-kind food donations and direct monetary contributions. The special effort took place during National Deli Salad Month in July.RFA-option3-rev2

The RFA is an organization of manufacturers and suppliers of prepared, refrigerated food products united by a common interest: to advance and safeguard the industry. The group is headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia, and has many Northeast members.

The charitable effort was spearheaded by RFA’s membership committee chair, Wendie DiMatteo Holsinger of ASK Foods of Palmyra, Pennsylvania.

Holsinger said, “This charitable undertaking during Deli Salad Month really opened our eyes to the generosity and involvement of RFA member companies in their communities and our world. We heard so many heartwarming stories of dedication and advocacy at the grassroots level, including one company’s drive that brought in 100 pounds of food and $360 in donations for local charities; donations for summer lunch programs for low-income families; and generous donations of partial cases and containers, food that would otherwise be wasted. I have never been more proud to be a member of the RFA.”

Some RFA members serve on the boards of local food banks and give not only money and food, but also time and commitment to address the issue of hunger. A sum of $7,600 was donated directly to Feeding America through RFA’s Deli Salad Month fundraising page during July, which constitutes the third largest Set the Table campaign in the organization’s history.

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