The morning fist place team included Mark Short, Chris Cairnes, Jamie Burke and Wayne Fulmer of Buffalo Rock Co.
The morning fist place team included Mark Short, Chris Cairnes, Jamie Burke and Wayne Fulmer of Buffalo Rock Co.

The Alabama Grocers Education Foundation (AGEF) held its 23rd Annual Fall Golf Outing in October at Inverness Country Club in Birmingham. The tournament included two flights and raised a fall record for AGEF, which funds scholarships to employees and children of employees of Alabama Grocers Association companies. To date AGEF has awarded more than $1 million in scholarships.

The morning second place team.
The morning second place team.

The winners of the golf tournament were:

• Morning first place team: Mark Short, Chris Cairnes, Jamie Burke and Wayne Fulmer, Buffalo Rock Co.

• Morning second place team: Jai Freeman, Freeman’s Foods; Chuck Yarbrough, Gene Phillips and Chris Woods, Truno Retail Technology Solutions.

• Morning third place team: Richard Earl, Snyder’s-Lance; Jeff Clemmons, Golden Flake; John Gross and George Bradford, Mrs. Stratton’s Salads.

The morning third place team.
The morning third place team.

• Morning closest to the pin: John Gross, Mrs. Stratton’s Salads.

• Morning longest drive: Greg Ganser, Advantage Sales & Marketing.

• Afternoon first place team: Lee Cox and Vince Price, Supervalu; Darwin Metcalf and Steve Shelton, Western Markets.

• Afternoon second place team: Clint Hardman, Hal Tolleson and Bobby Owens, United-Johnson Brothers of Alabama.

• Afternoon third place team: Jason Fife,

The afternoon first place team.
The afternoon first place team.

Angel Lopez, Wes Smith and Paul Whitley, Bimbo Bakeries.

• Afternoon closest to the pin: Rodney Pritchett, Bimbo Bakeries.

• Afternoon longest drive: Wes Smith, Bimbo Bakeries.

The presenting sponsor of this year’s tournament was Barber’s Dairy, the lunch sponsor was Bimbo Bakeries and the

The afternoon second place team.
The afternoon second place team.

reception sponsor was United-Johnson Brothers or Alabama. Additional sponsors of the tourney included 5-hour Energy, Advantage Sales & Marketing, Associated Grocers of the South, Associated Wholesale Grocers Gulf Coast Division, Associated Wholesale Grocers Nashville Division, Barber’s Dairy, Bevco Beverages, Bimbo Bakeries, Buffalo Rock/Pepsi, Bunzl Distribution/Pactiv, Bunzl Distribution/Sigma, Coca-Cola Bottling Co. United Inc., Country Delite Farms, Dutch Farms, EDLINCO, Flowers Baking Co.,

The afternoon third place team.
The afternoon third place team.

Freeman Food Management, Frito-Lay, Golden Flake Snack Foods, Merrill Lynch, Mission Foods, Mitchell Grocery Corp., Mrs. Stratton’s Salads, Peake & Associates, Piggly Wiggly Alabama Distributing Co., Publix Super Markets Inc., Red Diamond, Snyder’s-Lance, Super Foods Supermarkets, The Hershey Co., Truno Retail Technology Solutions, United-Johnson Brothers of Alabama, Vietti Foods and Wells Enterprises.

The next AGEF fundraiser will be the spring golf outing on April  7 at Inverness Country Club in Birmingham.

Jeff Brown and Louis Honeycutt, Country Delite Farms; David Bullard, Piggly Wiggly Alabama Distributing Co.; Naseem Ajlouny, Piggly Wiggly.
Jeff Brown and Louis Honeycutt, Country Delite Farms; David Bullard, Piggly Wiggly Alabama Distributing Co.; Naseem Ajlouny, Piggly Wiggly.
Billy Leverett, Stan Alexander, Jackie Plott and Tom Keller, Associated Grocers of the South.
Billy Leverett, Stan Alexander, Jackie Plott and Tom Keller, Associated Grocers of the South.

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