The Concord Township Board of Supervisors in Delaware County, Pennsylvania, has voted unanimously to grant conditional use for Wawa to sell beer at its location in Chadds Ford. While the state must still approve Wawa’s request, initial approval by the township was the larger hurdle. The board previously granted similar approval to Acme, Whole Foods and Wegmans.
The store in question, one of Wawa’s largest at 7,400-plus s.f., was granted approval with the condition that the product line be similar to other Wawa locations.
To meet the mandates of the state liquor code, Wawa will create a separate 400-s.f. space within the store for beer sales and consumption, including a cooler, seating for 30 and a dedicated register. A 4-foot-high wall identifying the area as the Wild Goose Café will divide it from the remainder of the store. The eatery, to be accessed from a portion of the main entrance and a 10-foot opening near the register, also will be available to those enjoying non-alcoholic beverages with their meal.
Customers will be permitted to buy 192 ozs., or two six-packs, and be required to purchase the beer before it is consumed. Customers will be allowed to drink only one bottle or can per day while seated in the café, a limit that will be reinforced with signage, and they may not take open containers outside the store. Posted signs, which the resolution states must be “conspicuously displayed inside and outside the store,” will remind customers of the restrictions. The location is open 24/7 and the approval will permit beer sales between 8 a.m. and 10 p.m. Sunday-Thursday and 8 a.m. and 11 p.m. Friday and Saturday. The cooler will be locked during off-hours and no beer on tap will be permitted.
Wawa must conform to all Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board rules, including any restrictions on beer sales and or consumption on property where gasoline is dispensed.