Convenience Store News In Brief…

After last year’s failed attempt by the Westminster, Massachusetts, Board Of Health to ban the sale of tobacco products, the National Association of Convenience Stores (NACS) reports that Massachusetts state lawmakers have begun drafting bills that would prevent local governments from enacting similar ordinances. A recent hearing of the state’s Joint Committee on Public Health saw discussion on several new bills, including one that would prohibit local boards of health from banning the sale of legal tobacco products by retailers that are already allowed to sell them. Another bill would prevent boards of health from banning any legal consumer products, tobacco or otherwise. The bills currently are under review, and no official decision has yet been made. Sources indicate that it could be as long as a year before either bill, if approved by the legislature and signed by the governor, could become state law…

Doug Galli of Reid Stores Inc. of Lockport, New York, has been elected 2015-16 chairman of the New York Association of Convenience Stores (NYACS). He serves as VP and GM of the Crosby’s chain, which operates 35 convenience stores throughout western New York and another 12 in northwestern Pennsylvania. Galli has been on the NYACS board of directors for three years and chairs its education committee. In the role of chairman, he succeeds Case Marshall of Pit Stop.

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