Utah grocery wholesaler Associated Food Stores (AFS) is launching Red Button Vintage Creamery Ice Cream. The dessert, which was created through a partnership with Cache Valley, Utah-based Casper’s Ice Cream, the parent company of Fat Boy, is available exclusively through AFS.

Red Button Ice Cream is made with whole milk and all-natural sugar to provide a consistently smooth and rich treat, says the company. Each of the 18 different flavors, which include classics like Vanilla Bean and Mint Chocolate Chip, as well as choices like Black Licorice, Raspberry Lemonade sherbet and Sprinkled Animal Cookie, are made in small batches. The ice cream is available in 56-oz. cartons and retails for $4.99.

“We are pleased to announce the addition of Red Button Vintage Creamery Ice Cream, exclusively available at independent retailers supplied by Associated Food Stores,” said Neal Berube, CEO of AFS. “We love the rich, creamy, premium taste and are certain our guests will too.”

Red Button 2

The new brand enters the frozen market just in time for National Ice Cream Day on July 19. Despite the recent health trend, the ice cream industry continues to grow, says AFS. Last year, ice cream sales totaled approximately $13.7 billion, and according to Mintel Research, the average American eats ice cream 28.5 times each year.

“We are thrilled to partner with Associated Food Stores to bring the quality consumers have come to expect from Casper’s to Red Button Vintage Creamery,” said Keith Lawes, VP of Casper’s. “It’s always great when two local companies can work together to create a quality product like Red Button Vintage Creamery Ice Cream, and we look forward to a long relationship.”

Shoppers can find Red Button at any Macey’s, Fresh Market, Dan’s, Dick’s Market, Lin’s, Peterson’s, Lee’s MarketPlace, Stokes and other participating AFS retailers.

AFS is an independent retailer-owned warehouse that provides complete warehouse facilities and services to more than 500 grocers throughout the Intermountain West, including Utah, Idaho, Wyoming, Montana, Colorado, Arizona, Nevada and Oregon.

Alissa was Staff Writer at The Shelby Report.

8 replies on “AFS Introduces Red Button Vintage Creamery Ice Cream”

  1. I was excited to see flavors in ice cream similar to s old Snelgrove Ice Cream co. flavors particularly burnt almond fudge and Canadian Vanilla. (I;m originally from Utah)…
    So I tried the Burnt Almond – it was 0k but not as good as I remembered, something seemed missing though..I looked on the label and while I was glad to see more natural sugars, the fat content was 10 % – not sure how it could be called premium ice cream as 11-15 % is standard for premium. Think this is the taste problem I sensed. I will try other flavors though – I’m really tired of high fructose corn syrup and glad to see more natural inged.,

    1. You can put the words “premium ice cream” on a fancy package, but that doesn’t make this any less crap. The first thing I noticed was that it was too cold, with the consistency of ice milk. Then I was disappointed to discover that Fudge Tracks is made with fake chocolate. REALLY?? The “peanut butter cups” taste and feel like little wads of wax.
      So, I read the tiny print on the label and saw that they are truly made with “chocolate flavored coating.” I will never buy this “premium” brand again.

      1. “Premium”, in this case, is pure marketing. If only I could get my wife to stop buying this dreck. She and the kids think the “fun names” alone are enough to make it worth buying.

        Oh well, I guess it saves me lots of calories.

  2. Oh Lordy …. Is this totally yummy ice cream! I’m loving the raspberry cheesecake right now and it totally rocks! I’m hoping the Red Button people will make a “blue moon” flavor, I’m a Michigan girl and that flavor would take me back to a childhood summer day!

  3. I absolutely love salted caramel pretzel and am very excited to try other kinds and I really like the look of the container.

  4. Discovered your Red Button Vintage Ice Cream today. We bought the Chocolate Malt. Do not know what the white chunks were. Could not really taste any malt. I must say an earlier post talked about the fat content not quite equal to the Premium level but we thought the flavor was very good and the creaminess was excellent. Many different flavors. Interested in the Cotton Candy for next time. Oh, the memories of a Candian Vsnilla Sindae with hot fudge and a chunk of toffee on the side from Snelgroves. What a fond memory.

    Any way, Red Button, keep up the good work!

  5. I LOVE this ice cream! So many great flavors . Cinnamon chocolate chip is my absolute favorite. Both of the Carmel ones , watermelon sherbert . Great berry anything. So glad to have black licorice that is black. A local creamery here in Idaho stopped making theirs black so teeth didn’t get stained,though it was fun to have black lips. Keep up the good work!

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