Convenience Store News In Brief…

Cambridge Petroleum Corp. (CPC) plans to sell the leasehold rights title and interest in seven gasoline service stations (along with commission contracts with the existing lessees) and the fuel supply on one location through a sealed bid sale to be coordinated by The Energy Exchange of Chicago. The sealed bid deadline is Aug. 11. CPC operates under the commission agent model for fuel sales at all eight locations. The eight CPC sites are located in the following four states: Pennsylvania (one), New Jersey (two), Connecticut (one) and Rhode Island (four). The total volume is approximately 4.7 million gallons with an annual income of $1.27 million before commissions paid and credit card fees…

New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman has announced agreements with four liquid nicotine companies whose products were being sold in New York in violation of a law requiring that this form of nicotine be sold in child-resistant packaging. Two of the settlement agreements are with retailers Henley Vaporium and Beyond Vape, companies with retail outlets in New York City while the two other companies sell their product to New Yorkers online or through local retailers. The companies will be required to remove from all their distributors and retail purchasers any liquid nicotine sold in packaging that does not meet child-resistant standards. They also will be barred in the future from selling any container not in child-resistant packaging…

Rutter’s Farm Stores of York, Pennsylvania, has donated $20,000 to the American Red Cross as a partner in the 2014-2015 Leadership Giving Initiative.

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