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Eleven unions representing 30,000 workers across all A&P banners have issued a statement notifying all United Food and Commercial Workers (UFCW) members that the unions are aware of the reports circulating about the potential sale of the A&P chain in whole or in part.

The unions issued the following to its members:
• We have confirmed that A&P is actively seeking potential buyers for part or all of the company.
• There is interest being shown by several companies regarding a purchase of A&P in whole or in part.
• The A&P company has not contacted us directly regarding any such potential sale.
• We have not met with any representatives of potential buyers to discuss any such purchase.

The unions agreed that should a sale, in fact, be pending, “we will demand a seat at the table with both the A&P Company and any potential buyers to ensure that our members and their jobs are protected.”

A&P has confirmed it is reviewing its strategic options including raising new capital from investors; considering new business partner relationships; and exploring the sale of certain assets of the company.

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