Convenience Store News In Brief…
Gulf Oil and Cumberland Farms had no comment on reports that Gulf Oil will be sold to ArcLight Capital Partners, a private equity firm in Boston. Derek Beckwith, Cumberland Farms-Gulf spokesperson, said, “Gulf Oil LP does not comment on the company’s ongoing strategic and operating matters, and particularly not on rumors and/or speculative matters. When and if we have something specific to address or announce, we will let you know.”…
Beginning this week, Shell is selling a new grade of “premium-plus” fuel, Shell V-Power Nitro+, at stations nationwide. Shell claims the high-end fuel’s benefits include longer engine life and greater efficiency. “Nitro+ adds protection against wear and corrosion to the detergents our gasoline already contains,” said Shell researcher Ed Nelson. According to Nelson, Shell’s laboratory testing demonstrated reduced wear and corrosion by adhering to the moving metal parts in pumps, cylinder rings and injector, while also reducing corrosion by preventing the water in gasoline from adhering to the metal components…
The first 7-Eleven store located inside a U.S. airport terminal will open at Los Angeles International Airport June 24. “We believe visitors and airport employees will be pleasantly surprised at how many of their travel and everyday needs 7-Eleven can fill in just under 1,000 square feet,” said Norm Howler, 7-Eleven’s zone leader for the greater Los Angeles area.